Stable Diffusion Webui

A Stable Diffusion project that uses docker to underpin the SD Web UI project. Currently fully supports AMD’s ROCm and NVidia’s Cuda. Uses docker bind mounts for fast and consistent startup time, and comes with scripts to download popular models.



A reasonably fast server that redirects requests (see perf data below). It does this by immediately redirecting or by offering a descriptive rendered html page with enough javascript to wait 15 seconds before redirecting to the correct URI.


libretro on Jetson

The first to have libretro emulation running on the Jetson TX1/2. The Nvidia TX series are embedded systems powered by ARM64 CPUs and multi-core Nvidia CUDA GPUs. These libretro cores will run with hardware accelerated opengl for smooth and fast gameplay at 4K, and stereo sound through HDMI. You’ll find the TX series powering Tesla cars and the Nintendo Switch handheld. This platform also powers many deep learning edge systems.


Fluid Simulation

A fluid simulation using WebGL and JavaScript. Make sure to toggle the preset stages and themes.


Particle Cloud

A particle simulation written in JavaScript and WebGL. Note: mouse click in the particle field to add more particles. Also clicking on the word ‘Polyglot’ will continue adding particles until your browser crashes.


py service os

This was a simple python application that tries to model the lifecycle of asynchronous services. It has good logging, clean code, and lots of tests. Generally it ended up very far from what I had originally envisioned.

It heavily uses gevent, which is based on libev.


ansible shipyard

AnsibleShipyard is an open source group I formed focused on supplying ansible roles for Mesos and other projects with a touch of docker.


test flight

Test + Build your Ansible Playbooks with Docker. Written in Golang. Faster than using VMs.


nginx init

Popular tried and true Nginx init script. Works with turnkey installations.


yaml injector

A tool which allows one to inject yaml into another yaml file. Great for working with large yaml files where you want to add data under a specific key. Written in Golang.


pi node

This project provides an accurate and performant means of generating Pi via the Chudnovsky algorithm using NodeJS. Benchmarking included.


scala util

A simple Scala util that provides memoization with metrics, lifter, and a simple DAO.



Faster Scala BigInteger. Developed during my personal research with projects that required faster math libraries but that used Scala. In particular computing extremely large numbers. Performance numbers => Scala BigInt: 5510ms, Scala Snohetta BigInt2: 1831ms, Snohetta BigInt2 Parallel: 561ms.


docker parallels

This was an earlier helper to aid in using parallels with docker as it can be faster and more stable than virtualbox.



A rehashing library written in Ruby. It takes nested JSON keys such as “{a.b.c.d: true}” and will construct a fully qualified JSON object that looks like {"a":{"b":{"c":{"d":true}}}}. It accepts input from the command line or can run against a file. This is useful for ELK stacks that have input as compressed keys. Allowing you to break up the JSON data so that it can be queried easier. You will also often find such keys from dropwizard metrics.


elk butler

An Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana tool written in Python. Butler at the moment auto deletes old trailing indices given a user defined trigger for disk space. Can run standalone, via a con job, or as a daemon spawned from supervisord. Everything is configurable and follows as much of the twelve-factor methodology possible.



An experiment with animating SVG graphics using Raphael JS. This project comes with timelines, clip scenes, and animation functions. All together it displays pleasing SVG animations with transitions. Take a look at the preloaded shames. The code is lightly annotated. Note: a feature people often look over is the mouse over interaction, also try and click on the boxes.


Conway Game Of Life with HTML Elements

CGOL is a coffeescript implementation of Conway’s Game of Life for the browser using HTML table’s instead of div’s or a canvas. Also comes with an annotated coffeescript doc.
